Month: October 2019

Sometimes, I Eat the Cake

What do you do when you get off your nutrition plan? You get back on. Even if you never planned to jump off track in the first place.

Are You a Loser?

Are you a loser? There’s only one kind of loser you *should* be.

Follow Instructions

Want results? Don’t jump ship. Don’t skip steps. And just follow the plan.

Alcohol and Fat Loss: Can You Have Both?

So you want to lose fat? But you also want to have that beer, huh? Can you make BOTH happen? Maybe. But also maybe not. Here’s why.

Suck It Up, Buttercup

Tired? Stressed? You know the answer—go train. The only way to get results is to train.

Getting Older? Start Training

Old folks can add muscle just as fast as young folks. And the older you are, the more you need to add muscle—because time is taking it from you every day.

I’m Wed to Eating Healthy

Travel shouldn’t kill your healthy habits. Here’s how you can eat right on the go.