I Replaced Running with Strength Training

My whole life, I thought that running was the only legitimate exercise and the best thing I could do to keep myself fit and healthy. Since I joined Fit House three years ago, I haven’t run more than 200 yards. I started by replacing running with three days per week of boot camp, then two days of boot camp plus one day of training per week, and now one day of boot camp and two days of training per week. At first, I was just pleased (and surprised!) that my departure from running didn’t result in me becoming overweight. As my workout strategy evolved, I have watched my body become the fittest it’s ever been and far stronger than I ever imagined I could be. It turns out that while my weight might be the same—or higher—than it was when I was strictly running, I am much leaner, more confident, and am certain that I am far more healthy. I feel better educated and equipped to make decisions regarding nutrition and feel like I know how to sift through fads and unsustainable or inefficient nutrition advice. My husband recently joined me and trains at Fit House once per week and completes programmed workouts three additional times per week, and although he has only been doing this about 6 months, he has definitely never looked better. We are pleased to be setting such a good example for our two children, and both feel confident that we will be strong enough to more fully enjoy their children and maybe even their children’s children!

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