From Back Pain to Super Strong at 60

I started training a little more than three years ago at the age of 56 1/2 with the encouragement of my wife. She was already training with Chris at Fit House and felt great and thought he could help me. Even though I had never belonged to a gym before, I decided to try it. When I started, I had a lot of issues: blood clots in my left calf, lower back pain, and sciatica. I had been seeing a chiropractor for months with little relief. The first time I trained at Fit House, I was hurting so bad afterwards, I didn’t go back for three weeks. But I did go back. My back was still hurting, and I would literally have to roll off the bench. I eventually stopped going to the chiropractor because it wasn’t helping, and I continued to train. I can’t remember exactly how long it took, but after a while, my back pain and sciatica were gone. I continued to get stronger and stronger. Now, three years later, I am in the best shape of my life, and I am now 60. I can do 6 unassisted pull-ups and deadlift over 225#.

Just being around positive people at Fit House makes me want to do better even when I am not at the gym.  I eat better, I cut down dramatically on alcohol, and I just focus more on my health.

It also helps that my wife and I train together. We feed off each other. I love starting my Saturday mornings working out with my wife at Fit House. For fun, we hike, bike, and walk.  Not only are our minds and body stronger, but it has made our marriage stronger, too. And I have not been back to the chiropractor in three years!

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