Why a Training Plan is Your Secret Weapon for Results

You lace up your sneakers, hit the gym, and give it your all. But are you seeing the results you crave?

For many gym goers, the answer is no! They go to the gym a few times a week, get in some cardio and a series of weight machines, and while they got stronger at first, they stop seeing progress.

And when we stop seeing progress, we lose motivation. We stop being consistent. And eventually, we quit.

Hitting your fitness and weight loss goals requires more than just motivation. It requires a strategic roadmap—a training plan.

Think of a training plan as your GPS for fitness success. Here’s how it gets you there:

Muscling Up: The key to every fitness goal you have, whether it’s to get leaner, get healthier, get stronger, or live longer, is muscle. Building muscle will improve your metabolism, make fat loss a breeze, change your body composition, improve your blood sugar and other health markers, stop your chronic joint aches and pains, prevent future injuries, and make everyday life easier as you get older. The only way to build muscle is strength training, and while hitting the weight machines in the gym is a start, it isn’t a road map to results.

Road Map to Results: A well-designed strength training plan structures your workouts, outlining exercises, sets, reps, and rest periods. This ensures you’re targeting the right muscle groups and pushing yourself for optimal progress. Without a plan, workouts can become random and inefficient, and you might be unsure whether you’re even getting stronger or continuing to build muscle. A plan insures you can measure your results at every step along the way.

Michelle’s a great example of how a training plan can change your life. Here’s a highlight from a recent interview she did with Chris. You can see the full interview here.

Focus on Your Goals: Whether you want to shed weight, get healthier, look toned, or live better, a training plan must be customized to fit your specific needs. Your plan needs to start with a base and foundation of strength, and your plan needs to address any weaknesses, imbalances, and other problem areas so you can continue to build more achievements on that foundation later on.

Never Starting Over Again: People don’t quit because they fail. They quit because they aren’t seeing the results they wanted. The right training plan stops this cycle of starting over again and again by insuring that you always see results. Sure, you could find a few free workouts online somewhere and do them for a while. If you don’t know how to advance those workouts to the next level, though, your results will stop. A training plan designed for you with changes at the right times and in the right ways to continue to produce measurable results is the only way to end the starting over cycle.

Finding the Perfect Plan

It isn’t impossible to find the right plan if you work with the right person. We’ve helped so many Western New Yorkers go from no results to the exact results they always wanted—and we can do that for you, too.

It starts with a Strategy Session with Chris. He’ll help you set the right goals, game plan the best approach to achieve them, and evaluate whether you’re a good fit for training with us at Fit House.

Registration for Strategy Sessions is open NOW! Click here to get started.

Let’s make this the year you finally see those results you’ve worked so hard to achieve!