Amy’s Story: Down Over 100 Pounds in a Year

Down over 100 pounds since she started one year ago!

Amy’s story is both familiar and inspiring. She had lost some weight on her own, but she wasn’t seeing the fitness results she wanted.

And when she first started at Fit House, she was nervous. In fact, she almost quit before she even began. 

But listen to Amy’s story, and you’ll hear the keys to her success:

We love Amy’s story! If you love it, too, and want to see more client stories, listen to what Michelle, Marie, and Pam had to say about their own fitness journeys. And don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here!

Amy’s Keys to Success

✅ We met her at her level, starting her workouts where she needed to start and never beyond her capabilities. This built her comfort and her confidence, and as Amy says here, has make her feel capable and NEVER defeated.

✅ She learned the difference between building muscle and other fitness approaches. She now understands that proper strength training builds muscle, and this muscle is necessary to truly lose fat and be healthy. In her own words, she talks about how simply losing weight causes you to lose muscle and fat, and as you gain weight back (as many folks often do when they don’t build muscle), you can back only fat, creating a vicious cycle where you simply get fatter instead of fitter.

✅ She eventually shifted her nutrition to food choices that supported the muscle building she was doing in the gym and promoted fat burning. After losing body fat for a while, this change caused her to lose the most body fat she’d ever lost in one month, and she’s sustained this loss in the months since she started that nutrition plan.

✅ She feels great knowing she is physically capable of doing more—in the gym AND in her career and social life.

Amy’s success is inspiring; down over 100 pounds is amazing! But her story might also be familiar to you. You might know you need help getting the results you truly want. You might feel intimidated by the gym and by fitness overall, like you don’t know where to start or how to get started. You might be nervous, anxious, or unconfident, and you might be afraid that you won’t feel capable or that others will be judging you.

We can help. We meet our clients where they are—and we build a program to help you progress, step by step, in a way that’s healthy, positive, and builds both your body AND your confidence. Click here to get in touch with us to talk about how we can help you, too.

About the author

Chris Rombola | Profile | Other Posts

Chris is the owner of Fit House. He's run the training departments at several commercial gyms, and after years of seeing how awful those environments were for his clients, he opened his own studio. He is devoted to getting people strong, lean, and healthy.