Healthy in Her 60s: Pam’s Story

Pam came to us feeling unhealthy. She really wanted to be healthy in her 60s, but she had migraines, was on blood pressure medications, and felt sluggish.

Despite all the diets she tried, the weight wouldn’t stay off. It kept coming back. After training with us at Fit House, Pam has lost over 53 pounds, feels fantastic, and has kept the migraines and blood pressure medications away.

Listen as she talks about her journey from her initial days at Fit House to being able to squat over 100 pounds and do an unassisted chin up!

Pam isn’t our only client with an amazing story. Listen to Michelle’s story here, and check out Marie, who had “tried everything” and her success story here. If you like these, drop by our YouTube channel for more!

Pam’s Solution—And Your Solution, Too

What Pam needed was what we consider the core of our work at Fit House.

She needed to strength train to build muscle and boost her metabolism. She needed a nutrition plan that was sustainable and could fuel her muscle building and her fat loss at the same time. And she needed a plan—and not just any plan.

People often think they can get results from a plan and then just use that same plan to maintain. It doesn’t work that way. What gets you those first results are not what will get you to the next level nor through maintenance, and we specialize in creating plans that adjust and adapt as your body does.

Through these three core tenets, Pam has achieved amazing results! We can help you achieve this, too. We help clients from all over WNY, including Buffalo, Kenmore, Tonawanda, and Amherst, achieve their health and fitness goals. It doesn’t matter if you are brand new to the gym or an experienced lifter. If you have goals, we have the methods to help you achieve them.

If you want to be healthy in your 60s, or your 50s, or your 40s, or your 30s, come talk to us. Click here to sign up for a complimentary orientation, and let’s help you make the most of the years instead of the years making the most of you!