Michelle’s Story: She Had to Build Muscle to Change Her Life

We’ve been training everyday people in Western New York for more than 11 years at Fit House. We’ve helped people of all ages and experience levels to build muscle and achieve optimal health.

And we’ve seen many of you come to us just like Michelle. Her story probably sounds familiar:

  • Back and hip pain
  • Issues with activities like stairs and getting into chairs
  • Feeling too young for this to be happening
  • Sure there’s a better way to live but not sure how to get started

When Michelle and her husband came to us, she knew it was time to change those aches and pains for the better for good.

And when you hear her talk about the results she’s seen since she started, here’s what you’ll see:

  • A smile that lights up when she talks about getting excited to do things she didn’t think were possible just last Spring
  • A pride and joy in her accomplishments that was not there before
  • A new confidence in the strength and health of her own body

Remember, Michelle is just like you. You and she are EXACTLY the people we help at Fit House, and the #1 thing that got Michelle her success is exactly what will get you yours:

A plan!

We worked with Michelle to create an individualized plan to get her progressively stronger over time.

The issues she faced with loss of strength and muscle mass are common. We start losing both in our 20s, and if we do not counter this loss, we continue to lose both muscle and strength as we age. If we don’t actively stop these losses, we are at greater risk for aches and pains, injuries, and diseases.

We can, however, end this cycle with strength training like what we do at Fit House. We program our training to meet individualized needs and see that all of our clients are getting measurably stronger.

See an interview with another amazing client, Marie, here! And see all our videos on our YouTube channel here.

If you are ready to start your training journey to build muscle or want help advancing to the next level, click here to get in touch. We specialize in helping Western New Yorkers just like you turn their fitness goals into reality. If you’re in the Kenmore, Tonawanda, Buffalo, or Amherst area, let’s talk about how we can help you get started.