The Difference Between Exercise and Training | Fit House Podcast | Episode 3

Do you know the difference between exercise and training?

This week, Chris and Gina discuss the difference, and you might be surprised to find out that even though you might exercise frequently, you might not be training.

And the difference between them matters!

Exercise means any unstructured activity performed for the sake of doing it without a specific goal in mind. Training, however, starts with a specific end goal, and the training focuses on a structured method of eliciting that specific goal. So pro athletes train with the goals of improving their sport. Bodybuilders train with the goal of improving their physique. Powerlifters train with the goal of moving more weight competitively. Regular gym goers, too, benefit from training whether their goal is to get leaner, build muscle, get stronger, or get healthier.

Do you know the difference between exercise and training? Chris and Gina share their experiences with both and why training is always the best option. For more podcasts, subscribe to our YouTube channel!

If you’re young or have never worked out before, you can exercise and see some results—to a point. If you aren’t training, however, and are simply doing unstructured exercise, those results will come to a halt, and you’ll need to change your exercise to continue to see progress. This, by the way, is one reason people quit working out. They exercise, see some initial results, continue to exercise, and when the results slow down or stop, they get frustrated that it isn’t working for them anymore, and they give up. This is one of the biggest problems in fitness, and Chris and Gina talked about it in this episode.

Training changes this cycle. Training begins with a specific plan, designed around your goals, and adapts and changes as you make progress. At Fit House, we design training plans that account for all the muscle groups, all the ranges of motion, all the techniques and modalities, so that our clients get the strongest possible bodies.

Exercise alone does not do that.

Listen to this week’s episode to hear why Chris and Gina value training over exercise, what experience they have both had in the past with exercise versus training, and why they’re both passionate about making sure everyone knows why training is the superior option.

We can write a training program for you, too. We help clients from all over WNY, including Buffalo, Kenmore, Tonawanda, and Amherst, achieve their health and fitness goals. Click here to sign up for a complimentary orientation to see if you’re a good fit for Fit House!