Can you just walk if you want to lose fat? Or do you have to strength train? And what’s with the Care Bears?
On Intermittent Fasting (Letter to the Editor)
Intermittent fasting isn’t a diet but an eating pattern—and it may or may not be right for you and your goals.
Have You Been Doing the Same Workout Since Myspace Was a Thing? Why We Change Workouts Every Month
You can’t do the same workout and get new results. And you can’t switch workouts every day and get results. Here’s how we write workouts at Fit House—and why our way is effective.
A Cut Above the Rest: Why Your Best Training Option is a Professional
You shouldn’t cut your own hair. You shouldn’t write your own training programs.
Met Con, and All Fitness, is Never Vain
It’s not vain nor shallow to be fit. In fact, being strong and well-conditioned is the best combo in a time when public health is so important. Here’s why you should be doing more than just lifting weights.
The Weigh Weight Works: The Right Way to Lose Fat, Get Toned, and Stay Lean
Diet and cardio are not long-term fat loss solutions. In fact, they are long-term fat loss killers. Find out why and how one client, Danielle, is prove positive that this is how weight works.
Follow the Program, Master the Program
We don’t just write workouts. We write programs, we follow the programs, and we master the programs. Our clients expect and accomplish more.
Your Period Should Be Easy—Part 2
Exercise, strength training, and nutrition all change your menstrual health. Find out why and how you can optimize these things for better cycles.
Your Period Should Be Easy—Part 1
Welcome to 8th grade health class. Here’s a uterus: Here’s how your period works: Here’s how to fix any problems with it: Now let’s move on to learning about smoking. That might seem like a terrible summary of what most women are officially taught about their menstrual cycles, but it’s pretty much what I… Read more »
Fit Life 2020 Nutrition Program: Simplified and Fun
Our 2020 Nutrition Program is the best yet—simple, full of everything you need to be successful, and FUN. Get on board!
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